Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere

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Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere

A Beginner’s Guide to Choosing Which Video Editing Software is Right For You

Whether you are a seasoned filmmaker or just breaking into the craft, you’re likely to have encountered the eternal debate of which is better,  Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere?

Professional filmmakers will explain that it really depends on the person and/or project, but for those who are stuck in software purgatory, we are here to offer some objective assistance.

Keep in mind there are pros and cons to both, not to mention a plethora of rivaling alternative programs, but ultimately the argument remains locked between the two. Let’s see the good and the bad of each as we put the two film editing giants to the test in the battle of Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere!

Final Cut Pro X: The Good

Mac Friendly

If you are a die-hard Mac user who would rather spontaneously combust than use anything else, then look no further. Priced at just $399 CAD, it is a relatively affordable option that offers perks like saved battery life due to its exclusive Mac compatibility.

User-Friendly Interface

The FCPX easy-to-use interface makes it a great starting point for beginners, and with each new update comes more editing tools, such as milt-cam editing and additional color options when using the role editor.


With a 64-bit application, FCPX has been praised for its quick rendering time, which is neatly done in the background as you continue to work on your project. If you’re looking to upload directly to YouTube, Vimeo, etc. this is a huge bonus.

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Magnetic Timeline

The FCPX magnetic timeline has been cause for much debate: some love it, some hate it. Ultimately, and in theory, it can be useful when dragging clips into your storyline, as it snaps the surrounding clips back into place, offering a smoother perspective to your edit. However, if you’re not used to it, it can be a major learning curve.

The Drawbacks

If you are not a Mac user, this might not be the software for you, as it is only compatible with an up do date MacOS. Software updates are not as frequent as the subscription-based Adobe Premiere, and if you’re working on a collaborative project, you might find it difficult to work with other programs and computers. Now let’s take a look at competitor number two in the battle of Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere!

Adobe Premiere: What’s Good

Easy Transition

If you were a die-hard Final Cut Pro 7 user, this is the program for you, especially if you’re feeling a bit sore after the latest MacOS High Sierra update which killed the program’s ability to run. Originally designed to take over for FCP7, the workflow is similar, smoothing out the usual learning curves.

Subscription Based

Adobe Premiere is a subscription-based software which receives regular updates. You can also subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud, which provides a collection of apps including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere for as low as $49.99 US/month.


Adobe Premiere is compatible with PC and Mac computers.


With Adobe Everywhere, you can work on work on projects from the cloud remotely. This makes file sharing a lot easier if you’re working on a team project, or something larger scale.

The Drawbacks

While added bonuses such as superior color editing and easy integration of additional Adobe programs such as Photoshop and After Effects, the rendering time is generally much slower than FCPX. If time and efficiency are your main priorities, you might want to consider FCPX instead. However, Adobe Premiere is very popular with commercial filmmakers and its flaws are likely to disappear in the near future due to its ever-evolving software.

Our Conclusion? If you’re working on a large scale collaborative project, Adobe Premiere is your best bet due to its cloud-based system and versatility/compatibility. If you’re a longtime Mac user looking for something user-friendly and quick, consider FCPX. So in the battle of Final Cut Pro vs Adobe Premiere, we’re calling this one a draw!

For more filmmaking inspiration, check out our articles on Location Scouting 101 and Music Licensing in Film.

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